World Tribal Day-Extempore

Start Date: 
Wednesday, 9 August 2023
Start Time: 
10:30 am
Room no.E 402


Title of the event:  World Tribal Day through Extempore Expressions

Type of Event: Extempore

Date: 9th August, 2023

Venue:  Room E- 402

Organised by: - Department of Sociology and Social Work

Activity Coordinator – Dr. Pragya Sharma

No. of Participants/Beneficiaries: 36

Objective of the Event:

  • To foster a deeper understanding about the tribal communities, their traditions, rituals, art and way of living.
  • To raise awareness about the challenges faced by the tribal communities and to highlight the importance of their unique identities.

Summary:Dr. Pragya Sharma, the Additional Head of the Department, offered an educational opportunity for students of semester I and III. Dr. Sharma covered a comprehensive range of topics, including the demographics, vocational skills, prevalent challenges, and resulting marginalization experienced by various tribal groups.

Subsequently, the students discussed the pressing issues faced by tribal communities. The extempore encompassed a variety of challenges, such as forced displacement, unequal access to education, and erosion of cultural identity. In addition, these students proposed creative solutions that demonstrated their strong commitment to addressing the difficulties faced by these communities.Ms. Anjali Anand, faculty presented a detailed examination of how tribes are represented in media to make students familiar with the challenges tribes are facing. Her exploration delved into how tribal rights are depicted in cinema and the enduring impact of colonial influences on these indigenous societies. This portion of the event prompted insightful conversations about the role of media in shaping public perceptions and the importance of accurate representation.

The event concluded with an account from Ms. Yuttika Singh, another faculty member, who shared her personal encounter with the Jarawa tribes of the Andaman Islands. Her resonant experience underscored the significance of collaborative efforts in upholding tribal rights and preserving their distinct cultural heritage. The narrative served as a powerful reminder of the necessity for collective engagement in ensuring the well-being and rights of tribal communities.

Outcome of the Event: The event not only raised awareness about the challenges faced by tribal communities, but it also inspired renewed dedication among both students and faculty to advocate for their rights, celebrate their diversity, and actively contribute to their progress and empowerment.