Feminist Research Methodologies

Paper Code: 
WMS 302
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This paper teaches the formal accepted social research methods with feminist perspectives along with the research methods which have come to be accepted in formal spaces as a result of tested methods of feminist research scholars. This enables the students to perceive research from holistic perspective.

Unit I: 
Data Collection

Data Collection – Qualitative and Quantitative


Unit II: 
Sample and Survey

Sample and Survey


Unit III: 
Case Study

Case Study


Unit IV: 
Oral Histories

Oral Histories

Unit V: 
Census of India in relation to women

Census of India, its Strength and Limitations in relation to women.


Essential Readings: 

Unit I

pp 193-95, 216-7, 221-238 Ahuja, Ram, Research Methods, Rawat Publication, Jaipur 2011

pp 117-126, Kumar, Ranjit, Research Methodology, Pearson 2015

Unit II

pp 46-47, 138, 155-57, 160, 183-86, Ahuja, Ram, Research Methods, Rawat Publication, Jaipur 2011

pp 161, 283, Kumar, Ranjit, Research Methodology, Pearson 2015

Unit III

Introduction in Bhave, Sumitra. Pan on Fire: Eight Dalit Women Tell Their Story. New Delhi, Indian Social Institute, 1988

Unit IV

Introduction in Bhave, Sumitra. Pan on Fire: Eight Dalit Women Tell Their Story. New Delhi, Indian Social Institute, 1988

Unit V

pp 52-57, 168-174 John, Mary, Women’s Studies in India, Penguin, 2008

  1. Manen, John V (ed), ‘Qualitative Methodology’, Sage Publications, Beverly Hill, 1979 pp 19-36
  2. Krishnaraj, Maitreyi & Deshmukh, Joy, ‘Evolving New Methodology in Research on Women’s Studies’, Contributions to Women’s Studies, Series 3, Research Centre for Women’s Studies, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai 1988.
  3. Research Centre for Women’s Studies & Streevani, Oral History in Women’s Studies: Concept, Method and Use, Research Centre for Women’s Studies, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, 1990
  4. Sharma, B.A.V., Ravindra Prasad D. & Satanarayan P, Research Methods in Social Science, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1983
  5. Stanley, Liz, ‘Feminist Praxis: Research, Theory and Epistemology in Feminist Sociology’, Routledge, London, 1990
  6. Omvedt, Gail. We will Smash This Prison, Orient Longman Ltd, New Delhi 1979
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