Women and Family in India

Paper Code: 
WMS 202
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Family is the basic unit of protection and security is known to all. Students in this paper are made aware of the various gender construction, socialization and discrimination that happen within the family structure so as to become equipped to combat it at various stages of their personal and public lives and help others to overcome situations arising from social and individual drawbacks.

Unit I: 
Family in India

Family in India: Concept and Changing Nature of Position of Women

Unit II: 
Socialization: Concepts, Stages, and Agencies.

Socialization: Concepts, Stages, and Agencies.

Socialization of Women as mothers


Unit III: 
Gender Construction of Roles

Gender Construction of Roles and Discriminatory Practices in Family: Stereotyping and Menstrual Biases

Unit IV: 
Marriage: Concepts and Changing Nature

Marriage: Concepts and Changing Nature – Choice and Consent in Marriage

Impact of marriage practices on women – Decision making


Unit V: 
Introduction to Personal Laws

Introduction to Personal Laws:  Marriage, Family and Inheritance (Hindu and Muslim Laws) Uniform Civil and Code

Essential Readings: 

Unit I

Uberoi, Patricia, ‘The Family in India’ pp 275-307 in Das Veena (ed.) Handbook of Indian Sociology, OUP, New Delhi, 2009

Unit II

Dube, Leela, ‘On Construction of Gender: Hindu Girls in Patrilineal India’ in ‘Socialization, Education and Women: Exploration in Gender Identity’, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1988, pp

Unit III

Dube, Leela, On the Construction of Gender, WS 11-18, EPW, April 30, 1988

Unit IV

pp 387-392 BharatiyaBhavan Series: Mazumdar, R.C., Vedic Period

pp 428-435 Tyagi Singh, Amita and Uberoi, Patricia, Learning to ‘Adjust’ in WSI 2008

Unit V

Radha Kumar, History of Doing, An Illustrated Account of Movements for Women’s Rights and Feminism in India, 1800-1990, Kali for Women, New Delhi, 1993 pp 160-171

P.435-439 WSI, 2008 On TheUniformcivilcode: Uniformity Vs Equality, Brinda Karat

Know Your Rights: A Legal Handbook for Women, School of Women’s Studies, Jadavpur University, 2011

  1. Dube, Leela &Palriwala, Rajani, (eds), ‘Structures and Strategies: Women, Work and Family’, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1990
  2. Chakraborty, Dipangshu; Atrocities on Indian Women, A P H Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 1999
  3. Altekar A.S., The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization, 2nd Edition, MotilalBanarsidas, Delhi, 1978
  4. Forbes, Geraldine, Women in Modern India, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996
  5. Atal, Yogesh, Changing Indian Society, Rawat Publication, 2006
  6. Sharma, K.L. Indian Social Structure and Change, Rawat Publication, 2007
  7. Kuppuswamy, B, Social Change in India, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi 1993

EPW articles in Vol 25 No 41, 20-27 October 1990 Bhattacharji, Sukumari, ‘Motherhood in Ancient India’,  pp Ws 50-57; Gokhale, Sane, ‘Mother in Sane Guruji’sShamchi Ai’, pp Ws 95-103; Krishnan, Prabha, ‘In the Idiom of Loss: Ideology of Motherhood in Television Serials’, pp Ws 103-116; Lakshmi, C S, ‘Mother, Mother-Community and Mother-Politics in Tamil Nadu’, pp Ws 72-94; PoonachaVeena, ‘The Rites de Passage of Motherhood and Social Construction if Motherhood Among Coorgs in South India’, Vol 32 No 3, 18 Jan 1997

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