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Theoretical Sociology
- Sociological Theory: Meaning, Nature and Development.
- Application of Social theory to Contemporary society.
- Theories of Modernity: Classical and Contemporary.
- Post Modern Theories: Jacques Derrida, Jean Bauderillard, Fredric Jameson, Michael Foucault.
- Social Exchange Theory: George Homans, Peter Blau.
- Reciprocity and Justice in Social Exchange: Alwin Gouldner.
- Feminist Theories: Cultural Feminism, Liberal Feminism, Socialist Feminism, Radical Feminism, Psychoanalytic Feminism, Marxist Feminism.
- Critical Theory: Herbert Marcuse, Jurgen Habermas, Douglas Kellner.
- Radical Theory.
- Abraham and Morgan, 1985: Sociological Thought,New Delhi, McMillan India Ltd.
- Abraham Francis, 1994 : Modern Sociological Theory, New Delhi ,Oxford University Press.
- Dealney, Tim, 2008: Contemporary Social Theory, New Delhi, Pearson
- Giddens Anthony, 1989: Sociology, U.K. Polity.
- Haralambos, M, 1998: Sociology: Themes and Perspectives, New Delhi, Oxford University Press
- Parsons Talcott, 1949: The Structure of Social Action, New York, McGraw Hill.
- Ritzer George, 2000: Modern Sociological Theory, New York, Mc Graw Hill.
- Turner, Jonathan H, 1995: The Structure of Sociological Theory, Jaipur, Rawat Publications
- Wallace & Wolf, 2006: Contemporary Sociological Theory, Prentice Hall, INC