Statistics in Social Work Research

Paper Code: 
MSW 322
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
  • Meaning functions and abuse of statistics in social work research
  • Frequency distribution types and shapes of distribution
  • Graphic presentation of data-histogram and polygons
Unit II: 
  • Proportions, percentage and ratios
  • Measures of central tendency-mean, median and mode; criteria for selecting useful measure of central tendency
  • Range, quartile deviation, standard deviation and coefficient of variation; criteria for selecting useful variability measure.
Unit III: 
  • Meaning ,characteristics, assumptions and limitations  simple correlation and regression analysis.
  • Concept of least squares and the lines of regression
  • Partial and multiple correlation and regression(applications only)
Unit IV: 
Inferential Statistics
  • Testing statistical hypothesis-concept and procedure
  • Parametric and non-parametric tests of significance-chi-square test and t-test
Unit V: 
  • Computer software for data analysis – An overview of SPSS
  1. Blaikie, Norman, Approaches to Social Enquiry, Cambridge, Policy Press, 1993.
  2. May, Tim, Social Research: Issues, Methods and Processes. Buckingham, Open University Press, 1997.
  3. Patton, Michael Quinn, Qualitative Evaluation Methods. New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1988.
  4. Reissman, Catherine K. Qualitative Studies in Social Work Research, New Delhi. Sage Publications, 1994.
  5. Swartz, Omar, Conducting Socially Responsible Research, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1997.
  6. Ramachandran, P. Issues in Social Work Research in India, Bombay, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, 1990.
  7. Society for Participatory Research in Asia, Participatory Research: An Introduction (Participatory Research Network series No. 3), New Delhi PRIA, 1995.
  8. Wright, Susan E. 1986  Social Science Statistics. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Inc.
  9. Loether, H.J. & McTavish, Donald. 1974  Inferential Statistics for Sociologists.
  10. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Inc.
  11. Kurtz, Norman R. 1983  Introduction to Social Statistics. Paris: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
  12. Elifson et al. 1990  Fundamentals of Social Statistics. McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
  13. Levin, Jack .1983  Elementary Statistics in Social Research. New York: Harper & Row Publishers
  14. Cohen, Louis & Holliday, Michael. 1982 Statistics for Social Scientists. New York: Harper & Row Publishers
  15. Malec, Michael, A. 1977 Essential Statistics for Social Research. New York: J.B.Lippincott Co.
  16. Ahuja. Ram. 2006, Research Methods, Rawat Publications.
Academic Session: