Sociology of Indian Society

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to sociologically examine concepts and theories associated with the Indian society.


Course Outcomes: 

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code






Sociology of Indian Society


CO18: Examine the ideology, theory and methods in Indian Sociology

CO19: Analyse social stratification and differentiation  
CO20: Critically analyse micro and macro structural changes in Indian society

CO21: Formulate practical and context-specific solutions to sustainable development issues

CO22: Suggest solutions to the problems of Indian society

CO23: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials



Learning activities for the students: Self- learning assignments,

Class test, Semester end examinations,  Solving problems, Assignments


Unit I: 
Theoretical Perspectives and Development of Indian Sociology
  • Ideology, Theory and Methods in Indian Sociology: Philosophical Theoretic, Culturological, Structural, Dialectical- Historical.
  • Development of Indian Sociology.



Unit II: 
Social Stratification and Differentiation
  • Social Stratification and Social Differentiation in India: Theories, Forms and Changing Dimensions.
  • Social Institutions in India: Education, Polity, Economy, Religion.


Unit III: 
Social Change in Inida
  • Social change in India: Micro-Structural changes, Macro -Structural changes.
  • Changing Dimensions of Family, Marriage and Kinship
  • Processes of socio-cultural and economic change in India


Unit IV: 
Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development in India: Issues, Processes and Obstacles

Unit V: 
Problems of Indian Society
  • Problems of Indian Society: Problems related to Women, Children, Youth and Backward Sections.



Essential Readings: 
  • Bottomore, T. B. 1962: Sociology: A Guide to Problems and Literature.
  • De Souza, P. R. (ed) 2000: Contemporary India: Transitions, New Delhi Sage.
  • Derze, Jean & Amartya Sen, 1996: India Economic Development and Social Opportunity, New Delhi OUP.
  • Dhangare, D. N. 2004: Themes and Prospective in Indian Sociology, Jaipur, Rawat Publications.
  • Dube, S.C. 1990: Sociology in India, New Delhi, National Book Trust.
  • Madan, G. R.: Social Change and Social Problems in Indian Society.
  • Sharma, K. L. 2007: Indian Social Structure and Change, Rawat Publications.
  • Singh Yogendra 1986: Indian Sociology, Social Conditioning and Emerging Concerns, Delhi Vistaar.
  • Singh Yogendra 2006: Ideology and theory in Indian Sociology, Jaipur, Rawat Publications.



Academic Session: