• Understand theories of development
• Develop skills for social analysis
• Understand development & its impact
Social development: Meaning, concept and indicators
Under Development and its causes: A historical overview with reference to developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Contemporary Development Dynamics: North-South relations, world trades, MNCs and their influences on third work economies.
Modernization and development
Impact of Globalisation on Developing Countries: Privatisation, Liberalisation and Structural adjustment programmes; role of international financial institutions.
Approaches to development: Capitalist, Socialist and Gandhian approaches
Contemporary perspectives: Participation, Empowerment and Entitlement (Prebisch, Samir Al Amin, Amartya Sen)
Sustainable development and human development : Concept
Millennium Development goals
UN declaration, efforts and right to development
Development programmes in India post independence (Five - year plans): Their impact on poverty
Other programmes like MNREGA, IRDP, NRHM, JNNURM