Definition and Objectives of Social Casework.
Concepts of Social Casework- Ego, Stress, Social Role and Adaptation, Transference.
Components and Principles of Social Case Work.
Phases and Characteristics of Social Case Work – Beginning, Ongoing and Ending.
Theories of Social Case Work: Psychoanalytical theory, Psycho-social theory, Cognitive theory, Role theory.
Crisis Intervention and Social CaseWork practice in different settings: Education, Nutrition, Health, Marriage, Family welfare, Child guidance, Neighborhood etc.
Social Case Work with the Poor and the Disadvantaged.
Models of Practice: Task Centered Approach, Social Psychological Approach, Vedantic Approach, Integrated Model of Practice, Problem Solving Approach.
Individual and Family Centered Social Work :Counseling, Psychotherapy and Family therapy.
Communication: Definition, Principles, Means of Communication, Interpreting and Evaluating Messages.
Interviewing and Recording: Phases and Process; Home visits, Referral.
Case worker –Client relationship