Rural Sociology

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India is a classic land of agriculture. Its long past history, its complex social organization and religious life, its varied cultural patterns, can hence be understood only if a proper study is made of the rise, growth, crystallization and subsequent fossilization and break up of the self-sufficient village community, the principal pivot of the Indian Society. Rural society in India has acquired a new significance after independence. The agrarian sector provides the very morphological framework for the underdeveloped Indian Society. As a result, constant efforts are being made to re-shape the agrarian social structure, subjecting it to the pressures of actively operating agencies of social change. This paper attempts to focus the attention on the need of a sociological perspective in studying rural life and outline the approach to study the rural society. It further attempts to portray the picture of the multi-sided and complex rural life and the emerging trends.

Unit I: 

Rural Sociology: Meaning, Origin and Development, Scope, Subject Matter, Approaches and Utility. Need for development of Rural Sociology in India.

Unit II: 

Rural Community: Concept and Distinctive Features; Rural Habitation and Settlement; Rural Social Institutions: Family, Marriage and Caste. Urban Community: Concept and Characteristics; Rural-Urban Distinction and Continuum; Rural Emigration.

Unit III: 

Agrarian Society: Agrarian Relations (Meaning and Definition); Agrarian Social System and Stratification; Land Management in Rural India; Rural Land Reforms. Rural Dynamics: Processes of Change in Rural Society- Little Tradition, Great Tradition, Universalization and Parochialization.

Unit IV: 

Rural Power Structure: Traditional Power Structure in Rural India: Bases and Features, Modernization of Traditional Power Structure. Rural Leadership: Meaning, Features, Traditional Bases and Emerging Patterns

Unit V: 

Panchayati Raj and Democratic Decentralization ( with special reference to Rajasthan) : Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad. Rural Reconstruction: Meaning, Objectives and Importance; Programmes for Rural Reconstruction (with special reference to Green Revolution, IRDP ,Five Year Plans and MNREGA)

  1. Desai, A.R. 2005, Rural Sociology in India, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.
  2. Desai, A.R. 2005, Rural India in Transition, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Dube, S.C. 2003, India’s Changing Villages, Routledge.
  4. Gillette, J.M. 1927, Rural Sociology, American Sociological Society.
  5. Marriott, McKim. 1968, Village India, University of Chicago Press.
  6. Singh, Yogendra. 2004, Modernization of Indian Tradition, Rawat Publications.
  7. Srinivas, M.N. 1966, India’s Villages, Asia Publishing House.
  8. Doshi, S.L. & Jain, P.C. 2002, Rural Sociology, Rawat Publications.
  9. Chauhan Brijraj, 2012, Study of a Rajasthn Village, Jaipur, Rawat Publications


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