This introductory paper is intended to acquaint the students with Sociology as a social science and the distinctiveness of its approach among the social sciences. The paper is organized in such a way that even students without any previous exposure to Sociology can acquire an interest as well as develop an understanding in the subject
Sociological Perspective
Concepts of Society, Social Action and Social System
Culture: Concept, components of culture (Symbols and Language, Values and Norms, Material and Non-Material culture)
Multiculturalism: Concept and Approaches
Social Groups: Concept and types: Primary, Secondary and Reference groups; Group Dynamics
Status and Role: Concepts and interrelationship
·Socialization: Concept, Stages, Agencies and importance;
Theories of socialization (Cooley, Mead and Freud)
Social Control: Concept and Mechanism
Social Change: Concept, Factors andTheories
Social Stratification: Forms and Theories (Davis and Moore, Marx and Weber)
Macionis, John J., 2009: Sociology (Pearson Education)
Ritzer, George, 2000: Modern Sociological Theory (McGraw Hill)
Delaney, Tim, 2008: Contemporary Sociological Theory (Pearson Education)
Wallace, Ruth a. & Alison Wolf, 2006: Contemporary Sociological Theory (Prentice Hall of India)
Singh, Yogendra, 2006: Ideology and Theory in Indian Sociology (Jaipur: Rawat)
Bottomore, T.B., 1962: Sociology: A Guide to Problems and Literature (Allen & Unwin)
Haralambos, M., 1998: Sociology: Themes and Perspective.( New Delhi: Oxford University Press.)
Inkeles, Alex, 1987: What is Sociology? (New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.)