Industrial Social Work

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to develop skills to address workplace issues, promote employee well-being, and foster a supportive organizational culture. It aims to equip students with the knowledge to implement effective social work interventions in industrial environments.        


Course Outcomes: 

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



24 SOC/MSW 144(g)


Social Work



CO18: Analyze concepts and models of occupational social work

CO19: Examine industry as an occupation

CO20: Analyse the process of social change in tribal institutions

CO21:Examine the relevancy of Employee Assistance Programme &Corporate Social Responsibility

CO22:Evaluate the purpose of Employee Counselling

CO23:  Contribute effectively in course specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials



Learning activities for the students: Self- learning assignments,

Class test, Semester end examinations,  Solving problems, Assignments


Unit I: 
Occupational Social Work
  • Social Work in Industry: Historical Perspective, Objectives, Scope, Methods
  • Occupational Social Work: Concept, Models, Changing nature of Workforce and Work


Unit II: 
Industry and Organizational Design
  • Industry as on Organization: Characteristics
  • Organizational Design: Concept, Approaches, Types



Unit III: 
Human Resource Management
  • Human Resource Management: Concept, Aims, Characteristics, Intervention Strategies
  • Industrial Relations Management: Concept, Role of HR Manager



Unit IV: 
Employee Assistance Programme and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Employee Assistance Programme: Conceptual Framework, Characteristics, Programme Models, Components, Limitations
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept, CSR Legislation in India


Unit V: 
Employee Counselling
  • Employee Counselling: Purpose, Process, Types
  • Qualities and Skills of a Counsellor
  •  Role of Industrial  Social Workers and Challenges



Essential Readings: 
  • Eva Schindlen, 1977. The Volunteers Community, University Revinoan & Associates, Inc.  Ronald Lippit.
  • Gore, M.S.. 1965. Social Work and Social Work Education, Bombay, Asia Publishing House,.
  • Gold Berg E.M. 1979. Ends and Means in S.W. Allen and Unwin, London.
  • Pathak, S.H., 1981. Social Welfare, New Delhi. Mac Millan.
  • Roy Beniley & Phil. Well 1982. Theory and Practice of Social Work, Black Oxford.
  • Sinha Debotosh, 2007. Aspects of Industry and Occupational Social Work, Delhi Abhijeet Publications.
  • Singh B.D., 2007. Labour Legislations for Managers, Delhi.  Excel Books.




Academic Session: