This course is designed to identify and analyze same emerging social issues and problems which have gained significant importance in the recent times. The aim is to sensitize the students towards these issues and study various strategies, programmes and measures adopted to bring about psychological, sociological and economic rehabilitation of the people in the mainstream society
Poverty: Concept, Causes, Effects and Measures of Eradication.Violence against Women: Nature of Violence; Motivations in Violence: Theoretical Explanations. Domestic Violence: Wife Battering, Dowry and Bride Burning (Concepts, Factors and Measures).Female Infanticide and Foeticide.
Unemployment: Meaning, Types, Causes and Effects; Extent of Unemployment in India; Efforts and Programmes for removing Unemployment.Illiteracy: Meaning, Causes, Effects and Measures; Extent of Illiteracy in India
Student Unrest: Meaning, Nature, Causes and Measures of Control
National Integration: Concept and Bases; Challenges before National Integration: Casteism, Communalism, Regionalism and Linguism