Development and Society

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to understand and apply the concept and theories of development to understand society.


Course Outcomes: 

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



24SOC/MSW 144(c)


and Society


CO18:Examine various theoretical perspectives of classical sociologists about social progress and development.

CO19: Analyze the dynamics of social change, modernization, and their implications for development

CO20: Evaluate various perspectives on development, including modernity, liberal, Marxian, Gandhian, and dependency theories

CO21: Critically analyse  rural development policies and sustainable development approaches in India.

CO22: Analyze the causes and consequences of displacement and assess government policies for the rehabilitation of displaced populations.


CO23:  Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials



Learning activities for the students: Self- learning assignments,

Class test, Semester end examinations,  Solving problems, Assignments


Unit I: 
Introduction to Social Development
  • Social Progress and Development: Meaning, Features, Conditions and Barriers
  • Perspectives on Development and Progress: Comte, Morgan, Marx, Spencer, Tonnies, Durkheim, Weber and Parsons
  • Development as a realization of human potential


Unit II: 
Social Change, Modernization and Development
  • Change, Modernization and Development:
  • Social change: Concept, Features and Causes
  • Perspectives on Social Change: Evolutionary, Conflict, Structural-functional and Social-psychological
  • Modernization: Concept, Feature and Perspectives


Unit III: 
Perspectives of Development
  • Gidden’s theory of Modernity
  • Liberal perspective on Development
  • Marxian perspective on Development: Historical-Sociological perspective; Neo-Marxian approach; Critical theory
  • Gandhian perspective on Development
  • Dependency theory of Underdevelopment


Unit IV: 
Rural Development: Schemes and Approaches
  • Rural Development in India: Development Plans and Schemes (With Special Reference to Five Year Plans, Green Revolution and MGNREGS)
  • Sustainable Rural Development: Concept and Approaches: Micro-planning; Ecology, Environment and Development; Ethnodevelopment



Unit V: 
Development and Displacement
  • Displacement: Meaning, Concept and Consequences, Theoretical Perspectives on Displacement
  • Rehabilitation of the Displaced: Government Policies




Essential Readings: 
  • Abraham, M.F., 1990: Modern Sociological Theory: An Introduction, New Delhi: OUP
  • Amin, Samir, 1979: Unequal Development, New Delhi: OUP


  • Appudarai, Arjun, 1997: Modernity at Large: Cultural DFimensions of Globalization, New Delhi: OUP
  • Dereze, Jean & Amartya Sen, 1996: India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity, New Delhi: OUP
  • Desai, A.R., 1985: India’s Path of Development: A Marxist Approach, Bombay: Popular Prakashan
  • Desai, A.R. 2005, Rural Sociology in India, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.
  • Doshi, S.L. & Jain, P.C. 2002, Rural Sociology, Rawat Publications


  • Giddens, Anthony, 1990: The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press


  • Giddens, Anthony, 1996: “Global Problems and Ecological Crisis” in Introduction to Sociology (II Edition), New York: W.W.Norton & Co.
  • Haq, Mahbub Ul, 1991: Reflections on Human Development, New Delhi: OUP


  • Harrison, D., 1989: The Sociology of Modernization and Development, New Delhi: Sage


  • Moore, Wilbert & Robert Cook, 1967: Social Change, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India


  • Rao.R.Janaki, 2012: Development induced Displacement, New Delhi,Akansha Publishing House


  • Sachan.A.K, Jaiswal. B, 2008: Development induced Displacement and Rehabilitation, New Delhi, Alfa Publications


  • Sharma, S.L., 1986: Development: Socio-Cultural Dimensions. Jaipur: Rawat


  • Srinivas, M.N., 1966: Social Change in Modern India, Berkley: University of Berkley




Academic Session: