Crime and Society

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to evaluate the concepts and theories of criminology and analyse the changing profile of criminals.


Course Outcomes: 

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code





Crime and Society


CO18:Apply criminological concepts to understand criminal behavior and its implications

CO19: Analyze various theories of crime and critically assess their relevance and application in contemporary society.
CO20: Differentiate between various types of crime and understand their specific characteristics and impacts

CO21: Evaluate different forms and theories of punishment and their role in achieving justice and rehabilitation.

CO22: Evaluate correction methods and changing profile of criminals

CO23:  Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials



Learning activities for the students: Self- learning assignments,

Class test, Semester end examinations,  Solving problems, Assignments


Unit I: 
Introduction to Criminology
  • Criminology: Meaning, Scope, Need for studying Criminology.
  • Crime:Concepts-Legal,Behaviourial and Sociological.
  • Crime and Delinquency.


Unit II: 
Sociological Explanation of Crime
  • Early explanations of Crime: Classical, Positivist, Psychological, Geographical.
  • Sociological Explanations of Crime: Differential Association, Group Processes, Delinquent sub-culture, Opportunity structure, Social Structure and Anomie, Marxian Perspective, Labelling Theory.


Unit III: 
Types of Crime


  • White collar crime, Terrorism, Corruption, Cybercrime.


Unit IV: 
Punishment : Forms and Theories
  • Punishment: Forms and Alternatives.
  • Theories of Punishment: Retributive, Deterrent and Reformative.


Unit V: 
Corrective Measures and Changing Profile of Criminals
  • Correction: Meaning, Types-Prison-based, Community-based, Probation, Parole, Open-prison.
  • Changing profile of Crime and Criminals in Contemporary India.


Essential Readings: 
  • Barnes,H.E. & Teeters, N.K., 1959:: New Horizons in Criminology, New York: Prentice Hall
  • Clinard, M.B., 1961: Sociology of Deviant Behaviour, New York: Rinehart and Winston
  • Ahuja, Ram : Criminology, Jaipur: Rawat
  • Paranjape, N.V., 1988: Criminology and Penology, Allahabad: Central Law Agency
  • Bedi, Kiran, 1998: It Is Always Possible, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
  • Gill, S.S., 1998: The Pathology of Corruption, New Delhi: Harper Collins
  • Goel, Rakesh & Manohar s. Powar, 1994: Computer Crime: Concept, Control and Prevention, Bombay: Sysman Computers Pvt, Ltd.
  • Sutherland, Edwin H. & Donald R. Cressey, 1968: Principles of Criminology, Bombay: The Times of India Press
  • Chaubey,R.K,2009:Introduction to cybercrime and cyber law, Jain Book Depot
  • Duggal,Pawan,2009:Cyberlaw:The Indian Perspective, Saakshar law Publications
  • Goel, Rakesh & Manohar S. Powar, 1994: Computer Crime: Concept, Control and Prevention, Bombay: Sysman Computers Pvt, Ltd.
  • Sutherland, Edwin H. & Donald R. Cressey, 1968: Principles of Criminology, Bombay: The Times of India Press
  • Chaubey,R.K,2009:Introduction to cybercrime and cyber law, Jain Book Depot
  • Duggal,Pawan,2009:Cyberlaw:The Indian Perspective, Saakshar law Publications





Academic Session: