M.A. Sociology [2]
PO1 |
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Learners will be able to demonstrate the ability to analyze, evaluate sociological theories and synthesize information from diverse sources to make informed decisions and solve complex problems effectively.
PO2 |
Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Learners will exhibit creativity in generating strategies and models for upliftment of society, fostering innovation across various domains.
PO3 |
Effective Communication Competence: Learners will demonstrate proficiency in verbal, written, and visual communication, effectively conveying ideas, information, and arguments to diverse audiences.
PO4 |
Research Proficiency and Inquiry Skills: Learners will acquire proficiency in sociological research methods, including qualitative and quantitative techniques, to conduct rigorous investigations independently in different social settings and contribute to knowledge production.
PO5 |
Digital Literacy and Technological Proficiency: Leraners will gain proficiency in using digital tools and technologies for review of literature, information retrieval, analysis, communication, and collaboration.
PO6 |
Interdisciplinary Perspective: Learners will cultivate an interdisciplinary mindset, integrating knowledge and perspectives from multiple disciplines to address complex societal challenges holistically and undertake interdisciplinary research
PO7 |
Value Inculcation and Ethical Awareness: Learners will demonstrate a strong sense of ethical responsibility, integrity, and social consciousness, contributing positively to society and upholding ethical standards in their professional and personal lives. |
PO8 |
Leadership Readiness: Learners will develop leadership qualities, including decision-making, conflict resolution, and teamwork skills, preparing them for leadership roles in various professional and societal contexts.
PO9 |
Cultural Competence and Diversity Appreciation: Learners will develop cultural sensitivity, empathy, and appreciation for diversity, fostering inclusive attitudes especially while working with marginalized sections of societyand behaviors in diverse cultural contexts.
PO10 |
Global Citizenship Orientation: Learners will exhibit a global perspective, analyzing global issues through the lens of sociology, develop inter cultural competence,interconnectedness, and actively engage as global citizens
PO11 |
Career Readiness and Employability Skills: Learners will be equipped with a versatile skill set, including critical thinking, communication, leadership, and digital skills, enhancing their employability across various sectors and industries. |
PO12 |
Continuous learning: Graduates will be able to Engage in continuous and comprehensive learning. |
[1] https://sociology.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/PG-Courses
[2] https://sociology.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/course-detail/M.A.-Sociology