Course Outcomes (COs):
Course outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment strategies |
On completion of this course, the students will be able to; CO67: Develop competence in the practical use of research tools of data collection, analytical procedures, statistical measures. CO68: Description and identification of potential issues to be covered under research. CO69: Understand the significance of community engagement in solving social problems CO70: Profiency in writing qualitative and quantitative research report. |
Classroom lectures, Students to carry out investigation of various social issues through secondary sources, Students to carry out field study for data collection, Preparation of Report. Evaluation of drafts submitted by the students. |
Assessment test on the topic, student presentations and assignments. Plagiarism check of the final report.
The students will be required to prepare a dissertation based on the synopsis presented in Semester III. They will be required to prepare a presentation of the dissertation topic. An external expert and an internal member will evaluate the same.