Concept and definition of Tribe : Geographical distribution of Tribes in India.
Theoretical Orientations: Structural theory, Functional theory, Cultural and Personality theory. Culture: Meaning, Features and Components; Theories of Culture Growth
Descent and Social Structure.
Kinship: Concept and Usages
The Tribal Family: Meaning and Forms; Theories of Origin of Family.
The Tribal Marriage: Forms and Ways of acquiring Mates.
Primitive Social Institutions: Economic System, Political System .
Educational institutionalization of the Tribal children- Ashram Schools/Kanashrams
Cultural, Social and Economic Changes among Tribal community: Process and causes of change
Problems of Tribal community.
Problems of Displacement , Deforestation and Tribal land alienation.
Constitutional safeguards for the Scheduled Tribes.
Sustainable Tribal Development: Approaches to Tribal Development
Tribal Development through five year plans .
Emerging Development Initiatives: Role of NGOs and Social Workers in Tribal Development.